Primary years

At ISL we are very aware of the importance you place on your child’s education. Your child, their learning, and their wellbeing is at the epicenter of all our decisions, planning, and practice.  

The “golden years” of Primary school often hold a special place in people’s hearts. Reflecting back on your own schooling, chances are you can easily recall that “special teacher” who was able to foster a love of learning, who shared your enthusiasm and natural curiosity, and who respected you both as a person and as a learner.

At ISL we pride ourselves on developing these same types of relationships with the whole school community by placing great importance in the development of our  academic programme, core values, and social and emotional learning. Progressive teaching and learning strategies are fundamental to our curriculum and carried out by our team of experienced educators to ensure that students are best prepared for an ever-changing world.


Our Promise

ISL looks to:

  • Recognise and honour the growth and development of this educational period (ages 6-11) as vital in building a foundation for the future educational life of our students.
  • Maintaining strong home-school communication.
  • Recruit and maintain a highly qualified, experienced, and innovative teaching team.
  • Adapt learning experiences for each individual child.
  • Provide a well-rounded programme that values and prepares students for their ongoing education.

Our Programme

Our Primary School programme immerses children in an environment of wonder, care, exploration, with the acceptance that making mistakes are part of our learning journey.

Our aim is to encourage and support each child in becoming an inquisitive learner within our community and global society. The students achieve this through the IPC personal learning goals by being:

  • Adaptable
  • Communicator
  • Collaborator
  • Empathetic
  • Ethical
  • Resilient
  • Respectful
  • Thinker

Our IPC programme:

  • Is a well defined, balanced curriculum that involves students in purposeful, relevant and challenging activities.
  • Is an inquiry and skills based approach encouraging each child to reach their full potential.
  • Covers the Knowledge, Skills and Understanding that children should learn in all IPC subjects.
  • Involves the ongoing assessment of students and evaluation of lessons and activities.
  • Recognises that children have individual needs, and that their learning styles and rates of development vary.

Important links
regulations & protocols
Privacy & AVG

Visiting address
Van Vollenhovenkade 15
2313 GG Leiden
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©2025 - IS Leiden
